Meet Dave
Republican Candidate for Southern Lancaster County
Dave has lived and served in Lancaster County his entire life. His involvement in the community and commitment to God’s calling have led him to pursue serving you as State Representative.
Join Dave as he fights to restore true representation of the people, serving you, not the Harrisburg establishment.
Pro-2nd Amendment
KEY ALERT: The political establishment is trying to spread misinformation regarding Dave's 2nd Amendment position. Here are the facts. Dave is endorsed by the Gun Owners of America and a longtime member of the NRA. Unfortunately, because of a clerical error when filling out the NRA survey, Dave wasn't given their highest rating. When he tried to correct it, they wouldn't adjust their rating despite him correcting the errors. Rest assured though, Dave will be a 100% supporter of the 2nd amendment and that's why other principled, grassroots 2nd amendment groups endorsed him and gave him their highest rating.

The Issues
Representative Government
Government "of the people, for the people, by the people", not the political establishment.
Protect all life, especially the innocent, the children, the defenseless, and the unborn.
School Choice
Put control of children's education in the hands of their parents, where it belongs.
Property Tax
Eliminate and replace the outdated property tax system for funding education.
Burdening Regulation
Free families, businesses, and farms from over-burdensome taxes and regulations.
Election Integrity
Restore confidence in elections with simple verification and audits to ensure every legal vote counts.